Arizona Blood Alliance Leadership

Meet Our Executive Director

Steven Fraden has been part of the Bleeding Disorders community since 2013 when his son was diagnosed with hemophilia. Since then, Steven has been heavily involved in the community. He worked at the Arizona Hemophilia Association for a few years,  during this time he was able to build great relationships with the community while welcoming new families. Steven has been able to attend National Conferences including a World Conference for Bleeding Disorders. His passion to help others goes beyond the bleeding disorders community. In recent years, he was helping kids with Autism to improve their communication and teach them life skills.

Steven was one of the founding members for the Arizona Blood Alliance. He has been working due diligently in making ABA a home for the bleeding disorders community. Last year, he volunteered for a week at camp at Camp Honor, but it was not his first rodeo, he has also been a part of Legislative days in Washington as well as in Arizona. He truly believes in helping those living with blood disorders have a voice.

He loves spending time with his wife, kids and his dog Teddy. 

Meet Our Board of Directors